



         Ethanol-soluble Extractive

         Use Method I unless otherwise indicated in the monograph.

         Method I Macerate 5 g of the air-dried drug, coarsely powdered and accurately weighed, with 100.0 ml of ethanol of the specified strength in a closed flask for 24 hours, shaking frequently during the first 6 hours and then allowing to stand for 18 hours. Filter rapidly, taking precautions against loss of ethanol, evaporate 20.0 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a tared, flat-bottomed, shallow dish and dry at 105º to constant weight. Calculate the percentage of ethanol-soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried drug.

         Method II Transfer about 4 g of the air-dried drug, coarsely powdered and accurately weighed, to a glassstoppered conical flask. Add 100 ml of ethanol of the specified strength, and weigh the flask. Shake and allow to stand for 1 hour. Attach a reflux condenser to the flask. Boil gently for 1 hour, cool, and weigh. Readjust to the original weight with ethanol. Shake, and filter rapidly through a dry filter. Transfer 25.0 ml of the filtrate to a tared flat-bottomed dish, and evaporate on a water-bath to dryness. Dry at 105º for 6 hours, cool in a desiccator for 30 minutes, and weigh without delay. Calculate the percentage of ethanol-soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried drug.

Water-soluble Extractive

         Use Method I unless otherwise indicated in the monograph.

         Method I Proceed as directed in Method I under Ethanol-soluble Extractive but using chloroform water in place of ethanol.

         Method II Proceed as directed in Method II under Ethanol-soluble Extractive but using chloroform water in place of ethanol.

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หมายเหตุ / Note : TP II 2011 PAGE 519