


Thai name เซรุ่มแก้พิษงูแมวเซา (SERUM KAE PHIT NGU MAEW SAO)

Category Passive immunizing agent.

          Russell’s Viper Antivenin is a sterile preparation containing the specific antitoxic globulins from immunized animals. It has the power of neutralizing the Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii siamensis) venom.

          The antivenin, reconstituted if necessary as stated on the label, complies with the requirements stated under Antisera, with the following modifications.

Description Colourless or slightly yellowish brown transparent liquid. Freeze-dried antivenin consists of solid exhibiting the characteristic structure of a freezedried solid, light cream in colour.

Expiration date; Warning See under Cobra Antivenin, p. 232.

Labelling Complies with the “General Information for Antisera”, p. 225. In addition the label on the container states (1) the number in mg of reference Russell’s viper venom neutralized by a specified quantity of the antivenin; (2) the recommended human dose; (3) the nature of the preparation, e.g. natural serum or purified immunoglobulin or treated immunoglobulin and, if purified or treated, the nature of the process.

Identification Specifically neutralizes the Russell’s viper venom, rendering it harmless to susceptible animals. The assay may serve as an identification test.

Assay Each ml contains sufficient antitoxic globulins to neutralize the amount of the Russell’s viper venom stated on the label when determined by the “Biological Assay of Cobra Antivenin” (Appendix 15.2.7); use the Russell’s viper test venom for determining its capacity to neutralize the lethal effect.

Usual dose Initial dose 30 ml of liquid or freeze-dried Russell’s Viper Antivenin (after reconstitution by accompanying diluent) should be given by slow intravenous infusion (approximately 2 ml per minute). During the observation period, subsequent doses can be given every 6 hours according to the clinical symptoms.


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หมายเหตุ / Note : TP II 2011 PAGE 235